Wednesday, March 11, 2009

first post

well, i said on my facebook group this was a day of firsts. first twins. first booking for a dog. first blog post! i really should be editing photos, but sometimes it is nice to take a break. i have been wanting to start a blog for a while now, and the 'facebook group' format wasn't really allowing me to do what i wanted. so here it goes....

here are the twins. super cute! they are 1 year old and were so easy going about having their photo taken. i did need to use some photoshop magic ~ we could not get them both still at the same time and looking in the same direction. so much fun =)

1 comment:

  1. The Twins are cute but the picture of their toes makes this set of images. Nice idea.

    Oh and by the way, hot website bebe! Love it!
